Overview publications 2021

Please find below an overview of the 19 peer-reviewed articles published by Leyden Academy scientific staff in 2021:

  1. January 2021, Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, article ‘Coping of Older Adults in Times of Covid-19: Considerations of Temporality Among Dutch Older Adults’ by Miriam Verhage, Lucia Thielman, Lieke de Kock, and Jolanda Lindenberg.
  2. January 2021, Journal of Aging Studies, article ‘How young adults view older people: Exploring the pathways of constructing a group image after participation in an intergenerational programme’, by Miriam Verhage, Belia Schuurman, and Jolanda Lindenberg.
  3. February 2021, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde (NTvG), article ‘Van gezonde individuen naar gezonde populaties’ (in Dutch), by Paul L. van de Vijver and David van Bodegom.
  4. March 2021, Feminist Economics, article ‘Pushed to the Margins and Stretched to the Limit: Experiences of Freelance Eldercare Workers During the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Netherlands’, by Saskia E. Duijs, Anouk Haremaker, Zohra Bourik, Tineke A. Abma, and Petra Verdonk.
  5. May 2021, Educational Action Research, article ‘Are you afraid of press and social media? Ethics in photovoice in participatory health research’, by Barbara C. Groot, Janine Schrijver, and Tineke A. Abma.
  6. May 2021, International Journal of Nursing Studies, article ‘How to relate to dialysis patients’ fatigue – perspectives of dialysis nurses and renal health professionals: A qualitative study’, by Wieke E. van der Borg, Petra Verdonk, Judith de Jong-Camerik, and Tineke A. Abma.
  7. June 2021, Gerōn special issue on intergenerational contact, article ‘Voorbij leeftijd. Hoe betekenisvol contact beeldvorming kan beïnvloeden’ (in Dutch), by Tineke A. Abma, Jolanda Lindenberg, Lieke de Kock, Lucia Thielman, Joost van Wijmen, and Danielle Swart.
  8. June 2021, Journal of Gerontechnology, article ‘“On Facebook I met old friends again”: The use of ICTs in the process of reminiscence among older adults’, by Marije Blok, Almar A.L. Kok, and Alice H. de Boer.
  9. July 2021, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, special issue Addressing Public Health and Health Inequities in Marginalized and Hidden Populations, article ‘Boundary Objects: Engaging and Bridging Needs of People in Participatory Research by Arts-Based Methods’, by Barbara C. Groot and Tineke A. Abma.
  10. July 2021, TSG – Tijdschrift voor gezondheidswetenschappen, article ‘Partnerschap met gezinnen in armoede op beleids- of programmaniveau’ (in Dutch), by Barbara C. Groot, Angela Nijland-Turel, Sanne Waagen, and Tineke A. Abma.
  11. July 2021, Global Reflections on COVID-19 and Urban Inequalities Vol. 1, Community and Society, article ‘Following the Voices of Older Adults During the COVID-19 Crisis: Perspectives from the Netherlands’, by Jolanda Lindenberg, Paul L. van de Vijver, Lieke de Kock, David van Bodegom, and Niels H.J. Bartels.
  12. August 2021, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, special issue New Advances in Aging, article ‘The Value of Active Arts Engagement on Health and Well-Being of Older Adults: A Nation-Wide Participatory Study’, by Barbara C. Groot, Lieke de Kock, Yosheng Liu, Christine Dedding, Janine Schrijver, Truus Teunissen, Margo van Hartingsveldt, Jan Menderink, Yvonne Lengams, Jolanda Lindenberg, and Tineke A. Abma.
  13. September 2021, Mental Health and Social Inclusion, article ‘Professionals harnessing experiential knowledge in Dutch mental health settings’, by Simona Karbouniaris, Alie Weerman, Bea Dunnewind, Jean Pierre Wilken, and Tineke A. Abma.
  14. September 2021, Death Studies, article ‘Family group conferences for suicidal adolescents: Promising results from naturalistic case study research’, by Roosmarijn H.B. van Alphen, Gert Schout, Agaath J. Koudstaal, Martin de Vreugd, Tineke A. Abma, and Robert R.J.M. Vermeiren.
  15. October 2021, Gerōn, article ‘Op zoek naar inspiratie voor toekomstig beleid in de ouderenzorg’ (in Dutch), by Elena Bendien and Tineke A. Abma.
  16. November 2021, book ‘Handbook of Social Inclusion – Research and Practices in Health and Social Sciences’, chapter ‘Ethics and Participatory Health Research’, by Barbara C. Groot and Tineke A. Abma.
  17. November 2021, International Journal of Obesity, article ‘Timing of objectively-collected physical activity in relation to body weight and metabolic health in sedentary older people: a cross-sectional and prospective analysis’, by Gali Albalak, Marjon Stijntjes, Carolien A. Wijsman, P. Eline Slagboom, Frans J. van der Ouderaa, Simon P. Mooijaart, Diana van Heemst, and Raymond Noordam.
  18. December 2021, book ‘Questions in Qualitative Social Justice Research in Multicultural Contexts’, article ‘Researcher’s reflexivity in a multicultural context: the role of framing and emotion work’, by Tineke A. Abma.
  19. December 2021, Gerōn, article ‘Hoe het verleden het heden zin geeft. Het proces van herinneringen ophalen bij thuiswonende ouderen’ (in Dutch), by Marije Blok, Alice De Boer, and Almar Kok.