DuSRA-VOILA is a unique platform with structural and multidisciplinary collaboration between eight research institutes (of which LUMC and Leyden Academy) and eight private parties. The team of experts will investigate aging solutions that contribute to healthy aging and increasing vitality, in order to reduce functional decline in the elderly so that they can spend more years in good health.

DuSRA stands for Dutch Society for Research on Aging, and VOILA for Vitality Oriented Innovations for the Life Course of the Aging Society. DuSRA-VOILA is the largest study in the field of aging in the Netherlands, and runs from September 2019 to September 2024.  The consortium is co-financed by 6 million euros from ZonMw and Health Holland, Top Sector Life Sciences & Health and 2.5 million by private parties.

For more information, please visit the DuSRA-VOILA website.