Leyden Academy on occasion invites renowned international scientists in the field of vitality and ageing to share their insights in the public lecture series ‘Masters of Ageing’. For example, professor Martin van Hees (Ethics, VU University Amsterdam), who raised the intriguing questions: what is healthcare for, and what is justice in the allocation of healthcare?, professor Simon Biggs (Gerontology and Social Policy, University of Melbourne) called for intergenerational solidarity and Emeritus Professor Jenny Gierveld (Sociology and Social gerontology, VU University Amsterdam) shared her vision on loneliness and types of social relationships among the elderly. Other ‘Masters of Ageing’ that have shared their insights with us are Dr. Aubrey de Grey, Professor Sharon Kaufman, Professor Ngaire Kerse, Professor Jan Hoeijmakers, Dr. Luc Bonneux, Dr. Remko Kuipers, Dr. Chad Boult and Professor Ruth Mace.