Silver Starters reaches final Smart Ageing Prize

Silver Starters reaches final Smart Ageing Prize

Today, it was announced the Silver Starters, an initiative of Leyden Academy and Aegon supported by EIT Health, is one of the five ideas in the final of the 2020 Smart Ageing Prize. The ideas were selected by an expert panel of judges from the original 15 semi-finalists, representing a wide and innovative range of […]

Silver Starters

Silver Starters

Facing retirement, 10% dreams of starting their own business and 73% needs to keep working for financial reasons. Research shows that people over 50 who start their own business are two to three times more successful than people in their thirties. Yet almost all start-up programs target and are tailored to young entrepreneurs. By encouraging […]

Distinguished Chinese delegation visits Leyden Academy

Distinguished Chinese delegation visits Leyden Academy

On April 22, an important Chinese delegation of policymakers and healthcare administrators – amongst others the mayor of Shanghai – visited Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing to exchange ideas on ageing. Also present were two representatives of the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, the former Chancellor of Leiden University, the former Dean […]


ILC the Netherlands (NL) is involved in several research projects and activities in the field of care, welfare, employment and participation. With everything we do we want to stimulate healthy and active ageing (longevity). Many older persons want, even when they are vulnerable, to be responsible for their own (quality of) life. Initiatives have arisen […]

Jolanda Lindenberg

Jolanda Lindenberg is a socio-cultural anthropologist with a PhD from the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle/Saale, Germany. At the Leyden Academy, Jolanda leads the activities in the focus area Connected. This focus area aims to contribute to an inclusive society that appreciates the value of all generations, and where people of all ages […]


Education is a core activity of Leyden Academy. We focus on various target groups: from young medical doctors to experienced healthcare managers, and from students to seniors. We offer a diverse range of courses, supported by an international and multi-disciplinary network of teachers. Our education portfolio consists of the following programmes (mainly in Dutch): Dutch […]