Masters of ageing Remko Kuipers

17 September 2014: 
‘Healthy ageing with a paleolithic diet’

Contents of the public lecture
Our genes have been adapted to our environment, including our diet, through millions of years of evolution. Many, if not all, of the current diseases of civilisation result from the mismatch between our present environment and our paleolithic genome. Kuipers will address these differences and discuss the most important discrepancies between our present and our ancient diet.

Background dr. Remko Kuipers
Remko Kuipers is not only a doctor and pharmacist, but especially a researcher. He was the first Dutchman to obtain a doctorate in evolutionary medicine, the science thatengages in the relationship between evolution, lifestyle (including nutrition) and health. For his doctoral research he lived among the hunter-gatherers of Africa, Asia and Central America. Dr. Kuipers is the author of the successful book ‘Het oerdieet’, in which he explains why we should all eat like our ancestors.

Date and time
The lecture takes place on 17 September 2014 between 16.00-18.00 hours:
16.00 – Introduction 
dr. David van Bodegom Leyden Academy
16.10 – Lecture dr. Remko Kuipers
17.15 – Discussion
17.30 – Drinks

Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing
Poortgebouw Leiden, Entrance ‘Zuid’, Room 0.15
Please click here for directions.

Send an e-mail by 12 September to register for this free 
academic lecture: