The International Longevity Centre (ILC) Europe is a European network of thought leaders focussed on the impact of longevity on society – would like to express our support for the European Commission’s work on adapting European policy to the reality of an ageing population, and the publication of the EU Green Paper on Ageing.
In particular, ILC Europe supports the Green Paper’s call for a much-needed focus on preventing poor health at all stages of life, which will be vital when planning for an ageing society in the long term and building back out of the post-pandemic recovery in the short term. We know that prevention works. We know that it’s cost-effective. And we know that health equals wealth. But for too long, preventative services in health have been the first to be cut and the last to receive investment. In an ageing world, this needs to change.
It’s therefore vital that this Green Paper should not be put on a shelf to gather dust, but instead be a step towards a concerted European response to ageing. To encourage Member States and governments around the world to translate the important values of the Green Paper into action, we would like to join our friends AGE Platform Europe in calling for an EU White Paper on Ageing that commits to making European policy and practice work for all ages.
While often painted as a cost or drain on public resources, we know that longer lives could yield significant economic returns. A growing older population could mean more older workers, more older consumers and more older people contributing to society through volunteering and caring. A commitment to adapting society to our ageing population, could lead to a longevity dividend for us all.
“The EU Green Paper on Ageing could help the whole of Europe develop a coherent programme of policy work which helps us all adapt to increasing longevity.” – David Sinclair, ILC UK
More about ILC Europe
ILC Europe is represented by academics, practitioners, civil society representatives and business leaders with a focus on helping societies address longevity and population ageing in positive and productive ways. ILC Europe works under the auspices of the ILC Global Alliance. The goal of ILC Europe is to help societies address longevity and population ageing in positive and productive ways and to urge the Commission to develop an EU White Paper on Ageing that commits to making European policy and practice work for all ages.
If you would like more information on ILC Europe Network, please email David Sinclair.
“There is so much we can learn from each other by comparing how each of our countries deals with the joys and challenges of an ageing world.” – Prof A. Mark Clarfield, ILC Israel