EIT Health Summer School

2019 edition on chronic disease innovation
During the two-week euVENTION programme from 21 July-2 August in Heidelberg, multidisciplinary teams of students were presented with chronic disease challenges, given by industry, partners, academia and non-profit organisations. Using co-creation, design thinking, rapid prototyping and business modelling participants came up with healthcare solutions which should contribute to healthy living and active aging for people with chronic diseases. Visit the euvention website for more information.

2018 edition on healthty living and happy ageing
The second edition of the EIT Health Summer School was hosted from 20-31 August 2018 by Leyden Academy in Leiden, the Netherlands. The theme was ‘EPICenter: Healthy living and happy ageing’.
See below video for an impression of the Summer School.

2017 edition on realizing ideas
September 2017 the EIT Health Summer School ‘euVENTION’ took place in Heidelberg, Germany. A select group of 36 motivated and creative students with diverse backgrounds from 12 different countries came together to work on business challenges. Such as: how do we make alarm sensors for elderly attractive and portable? How do we ensure that people start living healthier? How can we prevent seniors from falling? This video gives you an impression of the 2017 summer school.