Panel discussion on senior entrepreneurship and the multi-generational workplace


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This year, the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum 2020, the world’s largest annual gathering of the ‘ICT for development’ community, will be held entirely online.

On Wednesday 12 August 2020 from 14:00–15:00 CEST, the WSIS Forum will host a session titled ‘ICTs and Older Persons: Value of the Older Workforce: The Emergence of Senior Entrepreneurship and the Multi-Generational Workplace’. For the first time in history, today’s workplaces are now a meeting place for up to four generations. These multi-generational teams are proving more productive than single-generation teams. Even so, older workers continue to face age discrimination in the workplace, and the conventional 19th century concept and mindset of retirement, remains largely unchanged. Do people really want to retire? How differently are they looking at their lives than their predecessors? And is entrepreneurship an option for today’s retirees?

In the online session, 83-year Han van Doorn will introduce his start-up Are You Okay Today? and share his experiences as a participant in the Start-up Plus program initiated in 2019 by Leyden Academy and Aegon and supported by EIT Health. The other members of the panel discussion are Mike Mansfield (Aegon), Mary J. Cronin (Carroll School of Management, Boston College), and Jeff Schwartz (Deloitte Consulting LLP).

For more information and to register (free of charge), please visit: