
As an academic knowledge institute, Leyden Academy conducts scientific research on various topics focussed upon vitality and ageing. We use a multi-disciplinary approach and combine biological, sociological, anthropological, psychological, economic and/or medical perspectives.

Our research is founded upon close contact with universities and institutes, and have both a national and international focus. On a national level, we look into topics like the quality of care for older people, the wellbeing of older people with a migration background, and how older people and ageing are perceived in society. Most of our fundamental research is aimed at a better understanding of the ageing process and takes place within an international scientific field. For example, Leyden Academy is part of consortia such as EIT Health and DuSRA-VOILA.

We conduct our research within three focus areas: VitalMeaningful and Connected. Within ‘Vital’, we aim to gain a better understanding of the ageing process in order to empower people to grow old in a healthy and active manner. Within ‘Meaningful’, we conduct research and initiate projects aimed at the needs and desires of older people so they can live their live as they choose, at home and in care facilities. Our research activities within ‘Connected’ focus on the image of the elderly and ageing, and on the value of intergenerational contact.

Please click here for an overview of our peer reviewed publications in 2021.

A selection of our reports which are (translated) in(to) English: